Thank you Mrs O’Doherty



On Friday the 16th of December we held a very special assembly for Mrs O’Doherty, who retired this December. The children and staff preformed very special songs and poems for her. It was a very special and moving assembly for Mrs O’Doherty, her family, the children and staff.

Mrs O Doherty

On behalf of the staff and children, we would like to wish Mrs O’ Doherty the very best on her retirement. We would like to thank Mrs O’Doherty for her enthusiasm, commitment and for her endless love of teaching. She has helped so many children achieve their potential and find their best selves.

The staff will miss her support, friendship and guidance. Thank you for all the support, the laugher, words of encouragement, the sharing of your talents and your sincerity and trust.

Scoil Mhuire Junior wishes Mrs O’ Doherty every happiness in the next chapter of her life.


Categories: Scoil Mhuire
This post was written by , posted on December 21, 2016 Wednesday at 9:34 pm

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