Intimate Care Policy


Scoil Mhuire Junior


Dublin 15

Telephone/Fax: (01) 8216916

RCN: 20119201      

Email:                     Website :

Intimate Care Policy


Intimate care is any caring procedure which involves attending to a student when he/she is undressed or partially dressed; helping a student with washing (including intimate parts); helping a student to use the toilet; changing nappies or carrying out a procedure that requires direct or indirect contact with an intimate area of a student; or any procedure carried out while the student is in a state of whole or partial undress.

The supervision of students while they are dressing and undressing will also be considered as intimate care.

The following procedure will apply in cases of

• Wetting Incident

• Soiling Incident

• Vomiting on clothes

• Ongoing toileting or care needs as outlined in a student’s individual intimate care plan and referred to in child’s Individual Educational Plan

• Water/wet play incident or incident whereby child requires a change of clothes

This policy and related procedures have been developed bearing in mind that all physical contact between staff and students:

• Should be aimed at meeting the needs of students

• Should respect the privacy and dignity of each student

• Should be consistent with professional integrity of staff members

While the Board recognises that children will, on occasion, have a toileting accident, the board insists that children attending mainstream class are toilet trained.

At the junior infant induction meetings, the school procedures will be outlined to parents.  All policies are available on school website, and the Board insists that parents familiarise themselves with up to date polices.

All incidents will be logged on Aladdin Connect.


All students and staff members have the right to feel safe and be treated with dignity and respect.


    The aims of this policy are;

• To safeguard the rights and promote the welfare of children

• To ensure that the dignity and privacy of the student involved is maintained at all times

• To develop a framework of procedures whereby intimate care requirements are dealt with in an appropriate manner


As a staff we act ‘in loco parentis’ and can deal with a toileting or vomiting accident in school. It is best practice to only provide help that is required by the student. The staff member should encourage the student to do as much for themselves as possible.

Parents of children in the ASD class have been asked to provide a spare change of clothes and underwear which will be kept in the school. Staff are required to wear protective gloves when assisting changing a child. A teacher must always be cognisant of his/her duty of care regarding effective supervision of all the students in the class when assisting a student with toileting. In the event of an accident, the following procedures are to be followed:

Wetting incident:  Mainstream class

The SNA/teacher/designated personnel will provide the child with a change of clothes and/or underwear as necessary.

• The child will use said clothes to change him or herself.

• The SNA/teacher / designated personnel will assist the child with dressing only if absolutely necessary.

• If a SNA/teacher/designated personnel is required to go into the toilet cubicle, a second adult must be present.

• Parents/guardians are informed upon collection.

• Wet clothes are sent home in a plastic bag.

• Parents/guardians are asked to return “spare” clothes after washing.

Wetting incident:  ASD class

The SNA/teacher/designated personnel will provide the child with a change of clothes and/or underwear as necessary.

• The child will use said clothes to change him or herself.

• The SNA/teacher / designated personnel will assist the child with dressing only if absolutely necessary.

• If a SNA/teacher/designated personnel is required to go into the toilet cubicle, a second adult must be present.

• Parents/guardians are informed upon collection

• Wet clothes are sent home in a plastic bag.

• Parents/guardians are asked to return “spare” clothes after washing.

• Parents/guardians will be informed of this procedure prior to starting in the ASD class or if their child has toileting needs.

Soiling incident: Mainstream class

If the child soils him/herself, parents/guardians are contacted and asked to collect their child.

• The SNA/teacher/designated personnel will do what is possible to make the child comfortable until contact is made.


• After an incident of diarrhoea, the child is advised to stay at home until they are symptom free for at least 48 hours.

Soiling incident : ASD Class

If the child soils him/herself significantly and needs to be showered, parents/guardians are contacted and asked to collect their child.

• The SNA/teacher/designated personnel will do what is possible to make the child comfortable.

• The SNA/teacher/designated personnel will provide the child with wipes.

• The SNA/teacher/designated personnel will provide the child with a change of clothes and/or underwear as necessary.

• The child will use said clothes to change him or herself.

• The SNA/teacher/designated personnel will assist the child with dressing only if absolutely necessary.

• If a SNA/teacher/designated personnel is required to go into the toilet cubicle, a second adult must be present.

• Parents/guardians are informed of details of incident upon collection

• Soiled clothes are sent home in a plastic bag.

• Parents/guardians are asked to return “spare” clothes after washing.

• After an incident of diarrhoea, the child is advised to stay at home until they are symptom free for at least 48 hours.

• Parents/guardians will be informed of this procedure prior to starting the ASD class or if their child has toileting needs.

Vomiting incident:

If the child vomits on him/herself parents/guardians are contacted and asked to collect their child.

• The SNA/teacher/designated personnel will do what is possible to make the child comfortable.

If staff personnel are required to go into the toilet cubicle, a second adult must be present.

• Incident is logged on Aladdin

• Parents/guardians are informed of details of incident upon collection

• Soiled clothes are sent home in a plastic bag.

• Parents/guardians are asked to return “spare” clothes after washing.

• After an incident of vomiting, the child is advised to stay at home until they are symptom free for at least 48 hours.

• Parents/guardians will be informed of this procedure prior to starting in the school.


It may be the case that a pupil will have an ongoing need for assistance with toileting/intimate care. In all such situations the following guidelines and procedures must be followed:


• Parents/Guardians should identify any toileting or intimate care needs in their application form.

• Parents/guardians will be required to attend a meeting with the principal and SEN coordinator/ class teacher /SET to discuss the specific care needs of their child and how the school will meet them.

• Where possible, Parents/guardians should provide the school with professional reports (O.T., nurse, Early Intervention Team etc) and/or relevant contact details. Professional report should recommend toileting strategies and support school staff in supporting intimate care needs of the child. Professional report may also indicate the need for specialised equipment, to ensure the dignity of the child at all times.

• An Intimate Care Plan will be developed based on parental and professional information and an application for SNA access and if necessary equipment will be completed.

• Parents/guardians supply the school with the resources required to carry out the toileting or other care needs, which may include, but not be limited to;


– Wipes

– Disposable gloves o Nappy Sacks

– Spare underwear

– Spare Clothes

-Creams (if necessary and as detailed in Intimate Care Plan)


In the event that a specific toileting need has been identified for a student in ASD class, an Intimate Care/Toileting Plan will be developed in partnership with the student’s class teacher, support teacher, designated SNAs, parents/guardians and relevant support services.

If a child is not toilet trained, and wears nappies/pull ups to school, toileting will be scheduled twice during the school day. If a child soils himself/herself, child will be changed as soon as possible.

A written copy of the agreement will be kept in the student’s file and Parents/guardians will be notified of any changes from agreed procedures.

The Care Plan must include;

• Details of specific care need

• Identification of the staff members involved in this care, including provisions for when a staff member may be absent. (Substitute SNA’s will not generally be involved in intimate care unless sanctioned by the Principal or SEN Coordinator).

• Details of additional equipment required and procedures for using same

• Child’s preferred means of communication to include agreed terminology for body    parts and bodily functions.

• Child’s current level of ability

• Cultural and/or religious sensitivities

• Signature of Class Teacher

• Signature of Principal / ASD teacher.

• Date of Care Plan implementation and review

Refer to Appendix A for Intimate Care Plan template.

Implementation of an Intimate Care Plan should be tracked and evaluated on an ongoing basis in order to continually monitor a student’s progress and promote the development of independence. Refer to Appendix B for recording template.


Parents/guardians are encouraged to toilet train their child, at an appropriate time for their child. The school supports the recommendations of professionals and parental wishes in relation to toilet training.

When parents/guardians decide it is an appropriate time to toilet train their child, they are asked to speak with staff, review intimate care and toileting plan.

Both parents/guardians and staff should implement the same strategies when the child is being toilet trained. Regular communication should occur between parents/guardians and staff when a child is being toilet training is in progress.


While it is not possible to prescribe guidelines that will apply in all Intimate Care and Toileting situations, it is important that the following elements of good practice are adhered to:

• In the case that a student has an Intimate Care Plan, teachers and SNAs should ensure that they are completely familiar with the plan.

• There should be a minimum of two staff members present at all times.

• Address the student by name and ensure he/she is aware of the focus of the activity.

• Verbalise actions to the student in a reassuring way to prepare them for each procedure.

• Use visual cues for students with limited communication, e.g. pointing at a wipe or picture board.

• Use appropriate and professional language. Specific language may be detailed in a care plan.

• In intimate care, the touch should be affirmative and supportive, not rough or insensitive.

• Respect the dignity and privacy of the student at all times.

• Have all equipment and materials to hand before commencing.

• Use discreet observation if checking to see if a nappy needs changing.

• Use protective gloves provided.

• Take all precautions when disposing of soiled material in the bin provided.

• Intimate care procedures will be carried out in a manner which treats the student in a dignified and respectful way and allows the student the maximum level of privacy.

• The student’s independence will be encouraged.


     If during the intimate care of a student;

• A staff member accidently hurts/injures the student

• The staff member observes something which raises child protection concerns

• The student seems to misinterpret what is said or done

• The student has a very emotional reaction without apparent cause the incident must be reported to the DLP or Deputy DLP in his/her absence.


This policy will be implemented from October 2021

I confirm that I have read and understand this policy.

Name: _______________________          Date:_____________________


This policy will be available for parents to view on the school website. A copy can be requested from the office at any time. Where a student has specific intimate needs a copy will be supplied to the parents/guardians prior to the meeting to draw up an intimate care plan.

This policy was ratified by the Chairperson of the Board of Management on 11th October 2021.

REVIEW This policy will be reviewed regularly and as required.

Signed: _Joan Ashbrook                    Date: 11th October 2021

Chairperson, Board of Management

Signed: Niamh Cronin               Date: 11th October 2021


Appendix A


Child’s Name 
Date of Birth 
Child’s Class 
Relevant Staff 
Specific Care Needs
Nature of Care Needs
Child’s Current Level of Ability
Timeline & skills which need to be taught:Timeline & procedures for teaching new skills
Procedures for Care
Times and frequency each day when care is required 
Staff to be involved in this care 
Provisions for when named staff members are absent 
Equipment required for this care 
Procedures for using this equipment 
Additional materials / resources needed 
Procedures for storing and disposing of materials. Please note parents/guardians are responsible for providing the school with necessary materials 
Language to be used when providing this care:Naming body parts: Vulva – Penis – Bottom – Naming bodily functions: Urination – Bowel movement –
Cultural / religious sensitivities 
(if any) 
Date of Intimate care meeting: Date intimate care plan finalised 
Review Date: 
Individuals involved in this planName – printedSignature
Parent / guardian 1  
Parent / guardian 2  
Class Teacher  
SNA 1  
SNA 2  
Other Relevant Personnel  


Child’s name:                                                                                                                     

Levels of support:

Full physical assistance (FPA)

Full physical prompt (hand-over-hand) FPP Partial physical prompt (e.g. hand to elbow) PPP Visual prompt (e.g. point to picture) – Vis. P Verbal prompt – Ver. P

Independent – I

DateTimeUndressWipe after UrinationWipe after bowelRe-dressWash & dry handsFlushStaff initials