Scoil Mhuire

2nd Class Graduation 2016


Scoil Mhuire Junior bids a fond farewell to all the 2nd class children. A graduation ceremony was held in the hall today, where the parents of the pupils were treated to songs, poems and dances by the boys and girls. …Continue reading →

Sports Day 2016


What a super sunny spectacular Sports Day we had!   The children had it all from fun & exciting races like the egg & spoon, the sack, three-legged, dress-up, sprint, hopping & water races!   To shooting basketballs, taking penalties, …Continue reading →

Floating and sinking


The children in First Class have been learning about floating and sinking. We decided to create our own boats and see how long they would float for. We talked about the materials that would be good to use and did …Continue reading →

Learning about mini-beasts and insects!


The children in First Class have been learning about minibeasts. We went on a ‘minibeast hunt’ around our school grounds- we were in luck as we found lots! Underneath the logs near the yard was a perfect place to start. …Continue reading →

1st Class Tour


The First Class children had an amazing day at Mellowes Adventure Centre! They learnt all about their Eco friendly Grow Tunnel and Eco Garden. They had fun learning and identifying a variety of plants, flowers, vegetables and trees. Together they planted …Continue reading →

Fingal Sports Conditioning Programme with 1st Class


All the pupils in 1st class completed a Sports Conditioning Programme with Fingal’s Sports Conditioning Coach. This involved a Fingal C.C coach coming into the school for a number of weeks teaching the children fundamental skills such as agility, balance, …Continue reading →

Funky Feet Sponsored Walk


What a success the Funky Feet Sponsored Walk was!! A BIG THANK YOU to all the children who went to the great effort of looking for sponsorship money. On the 20th May, children were encouraged to wear funky socks or funky …Continue reading →

Making butter!


First Class made butter! Miss Gray taught us all about the process involved in making butter. We learned about how things have changed over time and compared the past to now. Then we had a go ‘churning’ the cream to …Continue reading →

Outdoor learning in the good weather!


The children have been making great use of the good weather as it appears! We have been making the most out of our lovely school grounds going on trails learning about Maths,Geography and Science and doing P.E outside. Here are …Continue reading →

Wonderful art and craft by Niamh!


This beautiful tree was created by a very talented girl in 2nd class. Well done Niamh! 

We set our butterflies free!


All of the classes have been looking after caterpillars for the last couple of weeks. We have watched with amazement their transformation to beautiful butterflies. We have learned lots about the life cycle of butterflies and the different stages of …Continue reading →



Today we had a very special day ar scoil. It was a day to walk/ scoot / cycle/ jog to school. When we arrived people were giving out stickers. Sandra, from Green Schools was there too. She did lovely classes …Continue reading →

Recycling Bags!!!!


Thanks to all the Parents who brought in the Clothes for recycling. We received €152.00 towards our fundraising account!!  

Update in the gallery!


Look at the gallery section for some recent photos of our art work.  



Look at the winners of the Golden Boot Award for the month of April! Well done to you all for walking to school.

The Yellow Brick Road


 Wednesday 27th April THE YELLOW BRICK  ROAD came alive with Dorothy walking the walk!! It was such a special day.   The ceremony began in the Senior school. Some of the children from First & Second class and  Senior Infants represented the Junior school. …Continue reading →

The Great Irish Bake for Temple Street


A big well done to Ms O’Donoghue who baked lots of yummy cakes in aid of Temple Street Hospital, she raised a massive €547! THANK you to all the parents, children and staff who bought or helped bake the delicious …Continue reading →

Science Week


We had SCIENCE WEEK in Scoil Mhuire Junior. We had lots of budding scientists in action in school. We did lots of experiments, like Dancing Raisins, The Balloon Rocket Race, Lava Lamp, Dissolving Egg Shells, Spin The Coin, Erupting Volcano and …Continue reading →



Thanks to everyone on the Green School Committee. You worked so hard today to make our school look so well!!!!

Garden update with the help of Rachel & ITB students & Maria &BDCG


The pictures tell the whole story. What a garden we had by the end of the day – 20th April. We have our very own Bug Hotel!!!! Fantastic planting pots!!! Thank you all so much. Some of Ms Lally’s class …Continue reading →

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